Monday, June 29, 2009

Civil War Events

Use this mnemonic device to help remember some important events of the Civil War:

Four Bulls Ate Everything Very Greedily!

Four = Fort Sumter is where the first shots were fired, April 12-13, 1861.
Bulls = Battle of Bull Run was the first major battle, July 21, 1861. AKA the Battle of Manassas.
Ate = Antietam, the bloodiest battle, Sept. 17, 1862.
Everything = Emancipation Proclamation, Sept. 22, 1862. Lincoln declared that slaves living in states that were rebelling against the federal government were now free. This actually did not free very many slaves.
Very = Battle of Vicksburg, an important battle for control of the Mississippi River, May 22 - July 4, 1863.
Greedily = Gettysburg Address, Lincoln's famous speech to dedicate the Soldiers' National Cemetery in Gettysburg, PA, November 19, 1863.

Remember, the Civil War lasted from 1861 to 1865!

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